Why Did the Illegal Alien Run the Border?

Hi Gang:
The issue of immigration is finally garnering more attention but, in my humble opinion, it is still not receiving as much attention as it should!
I am providing you with my most recent commentary for the Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) website that focuses on the importance of our nation’s borders, borders that have been ignored by millions of illegal aliens who ran those borders.  We should not blame the aliens, however, but our own government!
My dad taught me that I would teach people how they should treat me by making clear what I was willing to accept!
When the President of the United States and high-ranking members of his cabinet argue that violating our borders is not a crime, a dangerous message is being sent!
When the President establishes official policies that causes the federal law enforcement agents whose mission is to secure our borders and enforce our nation’s immigration laws to not take illegal aliens into custody and not seek their removal (deportation) from the United States an even more dangerous message gets sent to people across the planet!
When the President and members of Congress from both parties stand before the microphones of the news media and talk about providing illegal aliens with a “Pathway to citizenship” they are, in essence, firing the “starter’s pistol” for the countless millions of aspiring illegal aliens in countries across the globe, encouraging them, in the words of the former host of “The Price is Right” to “Come on down!” 
What these alleged “leaders” refuse to understand is that Immigration is not a single issue but a singular issue because it profoundly impacts just about every threat and challenge that confronts our nation and our citizens today.
There is no way to win a “War on Terror” and no way to defend our nation against the infiltration of members of extremely violent transnational criminal organizations with borders that offer little more impediment than a speed bump to the illegal entry of aliens into our country, whose true identities, affiliations, backgrounds and intentions are unknown and unknowable.  The contents of their backpacks are also unknown and unknowable and there is no record of their entry into the United States.
There is a saying that “Ignorance is bliss!”  However, where this human tsunami and their cargo of contraband are concerned, what our government does not know can and has already gotten people killed!
This concern is not just limited to the southern border of the United States but also about our nation’s northern border and America’s 95,000 miles of coastline.  This is also about the process by which aliens enter the United States through ports of entry to be found at land border ports, seaports and international airports throughout the United States.  This is why I continually attempt to drive home the point that any state that has a seaport or an international airport is a “Border State!”
Incredibly, even as the expectations of privacy and freedom that our Constitution are supposed to provide, in the name of national security, we truly have little in the way of real privacy in this perilous age.  Yet the number of countries whose citizens no longer require applying for and securing visas before seeking entry into the United States has soared to 36, removing what could, should and must be seen as an important and effective layer of security- the process by which aliens apply for visas.  This is primarily a result of a program known as “DIscover America” that has been foisted on our nation and consequently our citizens, by the “Discover America Partnership” to which the Chamber of Commerce the travel and hospitality industries and laundry list of other businesses that seek to dismantle our nation’s borders at a time when our borders should be of greatest importance!
Check out the website for the Discover America Partnership here:
Someone needs to remind these folks that Al Qaeda and various pernicious transnational gangs have already “discovered” America!
They are motivated by the quest for ever more customers and workers who will work for ever decreasing wages while Americans, in greater numbers than ever, are losing their homes to foreclosure and are finding it ever more difficult to keep their heads above water in the financial catastrophe that has befallen our nation and our citizens.
Meanwhile our political leaders play the game of talking about the need to “create jobs” while they are not willing to stanch the flood of foreign workers, who compete with Americans.  I am convinced that nearly every American who is desperate to find work would be able to do so by the end of the week if foreign workers were not able to enter our country and take those jobs!  This is not only about the work illegal aliens do, but also about the work that foreign workers who have been granted “temporary” work visas are doing in the high tech industries.  The only reason these high tech foreign workers are temporarily present is because no one lives forever!  While their visas may state that they are here as nonimmigrants and are supposed to go home after their authorized period of admission has passed, there is virtually no one at ICE policing this program to make certain they do, in fact leave!
The only way to describe these failures of our government to effectively enforce our immigration laws and secure our nation’s borders against illegal entry is the single word, BETRAYAL!
This is a betrayal of the Constitution.  This is a betrayal of the compact between our government and our citizens to provide protections and security- think about the military budget- think about how many of our nation’s valiant soldiers in all of the branches of the Armed Services have gone in harm’s way and did not survive or survived with horrific injuries that left them profoundly injured physically or emotionally or both!  They consider what the point to the exercise is if our government refuses to make certain that we do everything reasonable to prevent the entry of criminals and enemy combatants and terrorists from entering our country!
This is the betrayal of the “American Dream!”
The American Dream was about providing opportunities to the citizens of our nation who were willing to work hard, acquire a good education- whether it entailed a college degree or the acquisition of a trade or skill and through hard work, grasp a thin slice of the American Dream.  That dream has evaporated for far too many of our fellow citizens but yet, all too many of our nation’s “leaders” refuse to address the need to stop permitting aliens to undermine the American worker!
Consider that many economists will tell you that the recession ended in 2009!
How in blazes could anyone make that statement with a straight face when the number of American families living in poverty continues to climb?  If the only metric for economists and our leaders is measured by corporate earnings and the price of stocks then the name of the House of Representatives must be changed- changed to a name that honestly reflects what is going on!  I suggest that the House of Representatives be henceforth referred to as the “House of Corporate Interests!”
(I know that most of you will question how I can use the word honest and a component of Congress in the same breath!)
It is time for our nation’s leaders, on all levels, to come to terms with the fundamental fact that the purpose of our immigration laws is to protect our nation and our citizens from aliens whose presence has the potential to have a serious adverse impact.  Ignoring those laws exposes our nation and our citizens to a variety of serious threats and challenges ranging from national security and criminal justice and public safety to the economy, the environment, healthcare and education!
A country without secure borders can no more stand than can a house without walls!


our country is to survive and if our children and their children are to get their share of the “American Dream” the citizens of this nation must take their citizenship seriously!

We the People must be the best citizens we can be, citizens who are worthy of the gallantry demonstrated by our valiant men and women in the military, law enforcement and firefighters, who routinely go in harm’s way in defense of this nation and our citizens.  
My goal in writing this and other commentaries is to point out our nations many failings before more victims pay the ultimate price for the incompetence and ineptitude of our government.
The first step in problem-solving is to first identify the problems and vulnerabilities and then devise strategies to overcome them.
If you find yourself to be in agreement with this commentary, I ask that you forward it to as many of your friends and family members as possible and encourage them to do the same.  We need to create a “Bucket Brigade of Truth!”

The practice of good citizenship does not end in the voting booth, it only begins there.

For far too long our citizens demonstrated apathy which emboldened elected representatives to all but ignore the needs of the average American citizen in a quest for massive campaign funds and the promises of votes to be ostensibly delivered by special interest groups. 

It is therefore understandable that the politicians of both parties, are greatly concerned about the demonstrations currently sweeping our nation just as did the creation of the Tea Party.  Clearly  more and more of our fellow Americans are demonstrating that they are not as dumb as the politicians from both parties had expected us to be!

I am encouraged that more and more of us, We the People, are not willing to simply sit on the sidelines anymore!

I believe our nation’s is greatly benefited by the rich diversity of our people which is why I could never imagine living anywhere except New York City, arguably the most diverse city in our nation if not, in fact, the world.  However, my idea of diversity most certainly does not include members of MS-13, the Mexican drug cartels or members of other transnational gangs or members of al-Qaeda!

If our government’s failures to secure our nation’s borders and effectively enforce our immigration laws concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation! 

All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!

We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.

This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!

You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!

Democracy is not a spectator sport!

Lead, follow or get out of the way!

-michael cutler- 

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Why Did the Illegal Alien Run the Border?

The question that forms the basis for my commentary addresses the fundamental aspects of the immigration issue.

The short answer to the question, “Why did the illegal alien run our
border” is that there is no definitive way of knowing.  In this case,
what we don’t know can certainly harm us.  An alien who runs our borders
is violating our nation’s sovereignty and our nation’s laws- laws that
are being ignored by our federal government and those municipalities and
states that have “Sanctuary” policies in place.

Being concerned about the reason an alien would seek to enter the
United States is not, by the way, limited to illegal aliens who are now
present in the United States but is actually one of the very first
questions that a U.S. consular officer asks an alien who applies for a
visa for the United States and is also one of the first and most
important questions that a CBP (Customs and Border Protection) Inspector
asks an alien who seeks entry into the United States.  It is a question
I asked virtually every alien I encountered during the four years I
served as an Immigration Inspector at the beginning of my 30 year career
with the INS.  As you may know, I began my career with the former INS
(Immigration and Naturalization Service) in October 1971 as an
Immigration Inspector assigned to John F. Kennedy International Airport
in New York.

The purpose of that question is to establish whether or not the alien
who seeks to enter the United States would be in compliance with the
category visa he (she) had and if their purpose was in compliance with
the broader issues raised by the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA)
which addresses all aspects of the immigration process.

Title 8, United States Code section 212
is section of law that enumerates the various categories of aliens who,
under the Immigration and Nationality Act, are supposed to be prevented
from entering the United States and are supposed to be removed if they
are found here.

Among the categories of aliens who are supposed to be kept out of the
United States are aliens with dangerous communicable diseases, aliens
who suffer serious mental illness and are prone to violence, aliens who
are convicted felons, aliens who fugitives from justice in other
countries, aliens who are human traffickers and drug smugglers, aliens
who are war criminals and aliens who have committed human rights
violations. Additionally, as might be expected, aliens who are engaged
in terrorism and espionage are among those who are, by law, supposed to
be prevented from entering our country and are supposed to be removed if
they manage to evade the Border Patrol and enter the United States.

Certainly aliens whose intentions are not honorable are likely to lie
about their motivations for seeking entry into the United States.  The
inspections process is hobbled by so many factors including the constant
pressure to keep the lines of travelers who seek to enter the United
States moving, but the inspectors have access to various databases and
can thoroughly search arriving foreign visitors to try to prevent the
entry of those whose presence is problematic or contrary to law. 
Additionally, a record is made of every alien who does enter the United

Illegal aliens, on the other hand, are obviously not questioned as to
their intentions for entering our country.  There is also no record
made of their entry into the United States.  There is no opportunity to
search them to determine if they have malevolent intentions or if they
are carrying drugs, weapons or other contraband.  What must be presumed,
however, is that aliens who run our nation’s borders do so because they
are within the various categories of aliens whose presence in our
country is supposed to be prevented under the immigration laws that are
intended to protect our nation and our citizens.

Yet the administration claims that aliens who evade the inspections
process are not a problem for our country or our citizens and, in fact,
underscore this ludicrous position by doing everything imaginable and,
indeed, unimaginable, to encourage still more aliens to evade the
inspections process, by issuing policy directives to prevent the
enforcement personnel of DHS from taking them into custody or seeking
their removal (deportation) from the United States.

The immigration anarchists who advocate for open borders and
for providing a pathway to United States citizenship to unknown
millions- indeed, likely tens of millions of aliens, often use deceptive
language and offer false choices that, upon closer examination, are not
really viable or sensible choices at all.

They claim that illegal aliens who enter our country surreptitiously
are simply seeking to do jobs Americans won’t do.  In point of fact,
there is no job that an American won’t do for a living wage. 
Furthermore, aliens who enter the United States with malevolent
intentions, whether they are involved with criminal or terrorist
organizations fully understand that in order to hide in plain sight or,
in the parlance of the 9/11 Commission, embed themselves in our country,
they need to maintain a low profile and not call attention to
themselves.  As I have previously noted, it has been said that an
effective spy (or terrorist) is someone who would not attract the
attention of a waiter or waitress at a “greasy spoon diner.”  In point
of fact, a spy or terrorist may well seek employment as that waiter or

In the days before a terrorist participates in carrying out a
terrorist attack he is most likely to be hiding in plain sight by going
to his job!  Consider that just about every terror suspect who has been
arrested was, in part, identified in the media by the job he held prior
to his arrest.

The economic crisis our nation and our citizens are now facing has
gotten so serious that several weeks ago, on October 9. 2011, when
Jeffrey Immelt, the CEO of the General Electric Company appeared on the
CBS News program, 60 Minutes, he stated that when his company posts one thousand job openings in the $15.00 to $17.00 per hour range, he winds up with 50,000 applicants!

Is there a shortage of American workers to do these jobs?

It is incomprehensible that DHS can employ more than 60,000 employees
at the TSA to check travelers who are boarding airliners but only 10%
as many employees for ICE and more than half of these ICE employees are
engaged in enforcing customs law rather than immigration laws, you
realize just how screwed up things are!

Give that last bit of information a bit of consideration- imagine an
elderly passenger wearing eyeglasses that are thick enough to stop a
round from a .357 magnum, mistakenly opening a door at an airport that
he was not supposed to open.  The alarm sounds and the airport terminal
goes into “lockdown!”

In the name of “National Security” airliners are required to taxi
back to the terminal so that the baggage can be rechecked.  Passengers
are re-screened and the delays to the airline traveler cascade like
falling dominoes across our nation and, perhaps even overseas as airline
schedules go out the window!  This costs airline companies loads of
money, all because of an innocent mistake by a vision-impaired senior

Meanwhile, every day, unknown thousands of illegal aliens from
virtually every country on this planet, including so-called “special
interest” countries- countries that are identified as being sponsors of
terrorism, evade the inspections process and head to towns and
communities across our nation. They are confident that under the current
policies of this administration, that nothing will be done to them,
even if they are encountered by law enforcement after they succeed in
running our nation’s borders!

Our nation’s borders must not only exist on maps but in the real world!

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