Hi Gang:
A couple of days ago I wrote a commentary about the field operation conducted by special agents of ICE and other law enforcement agencies including the Iowa State Police at the Agriprocessors food processing plant in Postville, Iowa.
An article in the Cedar Rapids Gazette (available at http://www.gazetteonline.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20080513/NEWS/515835882/1006/news) provides information about the nature of the law violations that prompted the execution of arrest and search warrants at that factory.
As you read the article I want to call your attention to the fact that the field operation and the securing of search and arrest warrants depended on the statements and evidence of criminal activities at that facility that informants provided to the ICE special agents. Without informants laws are often unenforceable. The informants, as noted in the article, were all illegal aliens who had agreed to cooperate with law enforcement authorities. Without the cooperation of the informants, the investigation at Agriprocessors could not have been conducted.
The vital nature of informants is a point that I have made on numerous occasions, including when I have testified before Congressional hearings.
We are often told that the war on terror is not about immigration but rather about intelligence. The point is that intelligence is often provided by informants. On June 28, 2006 I testified before the House Committee on Homeland Security, Subcommittee on Intelligence at a hearing entitled:
You can read the complete transcript of that hearing at:
Additionally, I also testified about the issue of Alien Smuggling (Human trafficking) at a hearing conducted on May 18, 2004 before the House Judiciary Committee, Subcommit
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