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From: Michael Cutler <>Date: January 4, 2011 1:32:17 PM PSTTo: Michael Cutler <>Subject: Radio Double Header Tonight- First check out my show “Bordering on Insanity!” and then I will be a guest on the “Wells Report”Hi Gang:I will be hosting my show on wifi radio this afternoon from 5:00PM until 6:00PM Eastern Standard Time.For those of you in New Jersey and Pennsylvania, the show can be heard on 1460 AM.If you cannot listen on the radio, you can listen live online at or“Bordering on Insanity!”This evening I will be joined by my guests –Raymond Herrera & Robin Hvidston of “We the People” a grassroots effort to make government accountable and get our politicians on all levels to take the immigration laws seriously.
Raymond Herrera is the founder of The American Contractors and Tradesmen CoalitionThe First Amendment is not only about “Freedom of Speech” but it is also about redressing our grievances as citizens of this nation as well as the right to right to assemble peaceably. At the time that our nation was founded We the People met in people’s homes, schools, churches, synagogues and under shade trees.Today we also meet on the internet and on talk radio shows. I am thrilled to be providing a meeting place for the citizens of our nation on an internet radio program!As always, I hope you will be listening!LISTEN LIVE! or www.wifi1460am.comAudience email questions/comments: repatriotradio@comcast.netYou can call in at:609-447-0236.
Please forward this e-mail to all of your e-mail lists.Immediately after my show I will be a guest on Jon-David Wells, “The Well’s Report” that is broadcast on Radio Station K-SKY- 660 AM from Balch Springs, Texas. You can listen online at:I expect to be on Jon-David’s show for about 15 minutes.I hope you will be able to catch both shows this evening!Please also check out my website:Thank you!-michael cutler-