Please remember to listen to my radio show, “The Michael Cutler Hour” on BlogTalk Radio on Friday evenings at 7:00 PM, Eastern Time, and find podcasts of my previous programs at:
My article today is predicated on a number of news reports that focus on the adversarial actions that the government of Iran has taken against America and Americans that include what can only be described as cyber warfare tactics to turn Americans against Americans.
The radical Democrats who are pushing the dangerous notion of Critical Race Theory and other such divisive propaganda are literally doing the dirty work for Iran and other nations that are hostile to the United States.
As you might expect, I have also included how the open borders immigration policies of the Biden administration, coupled with the “Defund Police” strategy further weaken American and undermine national security, public safety and public health.
I hope my commentary provides you with a bit of “food for thought.”
Facts are indeed, “stubborn things!”
Please take the time to read my commentary in its entirety and check out the links to other articles and materials I included in my article.
Ignorance is not bliss. Knowledge is power, so my article provides some cold hard facts for you to consider and hopefully share with others.
If you like my article I ask that you make a point of posting it on FaceBook and other social media and forward this e-mail to as many folks as you can. It is important to dispel the lies and nonsense about the true nature and significance of effective immigration law enforcement in this particularly perilous era.
Being “Pro-Enforcement” is not “Anti-Immigrant.” Indeed, advocates for immigration anarchy are actually taking an “Anti-Immigrant” position by obfuscating the line that separates lawful immigrants from illegal aliens. To provide a bit of clarity, while we are indeed a “Nation of immigrants” America is not a nation of trespassers. The difference between an immigrant and an illegal alien is comparable to the difference between a houseguest and a burglar.