"Drug cartels are working hard to corrupt federal agents and drive a hole through border security"

Hi Gang:
I am providing you with an article concerning corruption that disturbs me greatly on two levels.  
First of all, as you likely know, I spent 30 years as an immigration officer.  I began my career with the former INS in October 1971 as an Immigration Inspector assigned to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York City.  I remained in that position for about 4 years and then became an INS Special Agent. During my tenure as an Immigration Inspector I was assigned, for approximately one year, as a Examiner to the unit that adjudicated applications for residency based on marriages between aliens and their United States citizen or resident alien spouses.  The vast majority of my colleagues at the INS were extremely trustworthy and indeed, as an INS Special Agent I literally trusted my colleagues with my survival.  It is disconcerting to think that the issue of corruption is apparently becoming an increasingly serious problem with those who carry on the mission I spent the majority of my adult years carrying out.
Secondly, I am concerned as a citizen of our nation that the issue of corruption is apparently becoming a more significant issue.  Corruption undermines our security and can, potentially, cost our citizens their lives.
I believe that the great majority of our nation immigration law enforcement personnel remain trustworthy and that they adhere to the highest standards of professionalism.  However, a law enforcement officer who has been compromised threatens the safety of his (her) colleagues and the safety of our citizens and the security of our nation.  There absolutely has to be a “zero tolerance” for corruption among the ranks of these valiant federal officers!
The long term failures of our nation to secure our borders and create an immigration system that has real integrity exacerbates the threat posed by corruption.  I have often noted that under the current climate of lunacy that pervades the immigration crisis that confronts our nation- the United States is now viewing Mexico as its role model, rather than the other way around!
In Mexico, law enforcement, military and other government employees and officials are confronted with a daily choice that is referred to as “SIlver or lead.”  This refers to the fact that officials in positions of authority can either accept a bribe (silver) or they will face bullets (lead).  Many decent, moral and valiant Mexican men and women who have demonstrated real courage and integrity have paid for their honorable efforts with their lives.  In many instances, even their families have paid the “Ultimate price” because of the valor of their relatives.  It has been said that “There is no honor among thieves.”  Certainly this has never been a more appropriate statement when you deal with narcotics traffickers and transnational gangs.  As I have noted in previous commentaries, the only rules that these pernicious criminals have is that there are no rules!  
The Mexican drug cartels have taken to employing tactics of intimidation that could have been torn out of the al-Qaeda playbook!  In Mexico absolutely no one is safe from attack by the cartels and their “enforcers.”  In fact, what is maddening is that Los Zetas, the most vicious of all of these cartel members were actually trained by our government!
I am greatly concerned that as ever more members of the Mexican cartels make their way into the interior of the United States that they will become increasingly emboldened to conduct themselves in the United States as they do in Mexico.  This is why I am infuriated that Janet Napolitano the prime administration “bobble head” seizes every opportunity to stand in front of the cameras with others who claim that our borders are more secure than ever!
This is why I have come to refer to the DHS as being the Department of Homeland Surrender!
There are a few other issues you should understand.
The news report included a statement that illuminates one of the challenges to integrity:

Despite the value of the polygraph test in screening out ineligible law enforcement applicants, the test is administered to only about 15 percent of applicants. The fact that such a valuable tool goes unused 85 percent of the time is a matter of resources, Tomsheck says. CBP does not have enough trained polygraph examiners to increase the rate of testing, a problem that has been compounded by significant growth in personnel. Between 2002 and 2009, the workforce doubled from 10,045 to 20,119. As pressure on internal affairs to screen more applicants has grown, the office is handling more investigations into employee misconduct. There were 576 allegations of corruption among Border Patrol agents in 2009 alone, the Senate report found.
The rush to hire lots of employees compromises the integrity of the screening process.
If the hiring of these employees had been done on a steady basis over the years, there would not have been such a huge increase in new hires that had such a deleterious impact on integrity.
(I feel compelled at this point to make an issue of something that plagues the immigration benefits program.  Just as the requirement of pushing large numbers of employees through the screening process is blamed for the lack of integrity to the hiring process, the large number of applications being processed by USCIS [United States Citizenship and Immigration Services] also contributes greatly to the high levels of fraud to be found in that hobbled agency.  Comprehensive Immigration Reform would exponentially exacerbate the challenges that this woebegone agency are experiencing at the present time.)
For many years the federal government has been unwilling to hire an adequate number of employees for the enforcement of the immigration laws.  The politicians attempted to claim that the attacks of September 11, 2001 had nothing to do with immigration!  Of course the 9/11 Commission made it clear that one of the issues that greatly contributed to the terrorist attacks was the relative ease with which the terrorists who attacked our nation were able to game the visa process and then game the immigration system in order to not only enter our country but embed themselves in our country.
Because it is abundantly clear that a succession of administration were determined to not enforce our nation’s immigration laws- the federal government has resisted every effort to hire an adequate number of enforcement personnel for the agencies that enforce the immigration laws.
This is not a new issue.  The administration of President George W. Bush was also determined to leave our nation’s borders wide open.  
On March 10, 2005 I was contacted by the House Subcommittee on Immigration, Border Security and Claims and invited to testify before a hearing entitled:

Here is a link to the transcript of that hearing, in its entirety:
When I was contacted by the counsel at the subcommittee who was putting the hearing together, I was told about the insane situation concerning how many enforcement officers Congress was willing to fund and what the administration’s position was as to how many enforcement officers should be hired.  
I was stunned that while Congress had authorized adequate funds to hire 800 news Special Agents for ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) and 2,000 new Border Patrol agents, the administration slashed those numbers and agreed to only hire 143 new ICE Special Agents and 210 new Border Patrol agents!
I was frustrated that the Congress had provided funding for, what I considered to be far too few new enforcement officers for both agencies.  I was absolutely enraged that the administration slashed already low numbers and readily agreed to participate in the hearing.  I am fortunate that I am, at least on occasion, able to weigh in on these critically important issues.  This has probably helped to keep me from having a stroke!
The chairman of the subcommittee, back then, was a gentleman by the name of John Hostettler.  At the opening of the hearing Chairman Hostettler made a statement worth reading in its entirety.  Here is an excerpt from his prepared statement at that hearing:

  But as our colleague, Mr. Ortiz of Texas, testified last week, terrorists do not come into our country with a big ”T” painted on their forehead. They make their way into our country-to use the gentleman from Iowa, Mr. King’s, analogy-as that needle in a haystack of millions of legal and illegal immigrants. If we are to have any hope of ever exposing the needle, we must greatly diminish the size of the haystack.

    ‘How do we do that?’ You may ask? By remembering what the U.S. Commission on Immigration Reform said in its 1997 Executive Summary when it stated, ”[r]educing the employment magnet is the lynchpin of a comprehensive strategy to deter unlawful migration.” By aggressively enforcing our immigration laws in the interior United States and especially worksite enforcement, significantly increased numbers of Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE Agents, will complement the increased manpower defending the integrity of our borders.

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    Likewise, Representative Ortiz told us the consequences of inadequate detention beds. And because of a lack of ICE Agents, absconders go free and as I said earlier, employer sanctions have been abandoned.

    As Hal Rogers, Chairman of the Appropriation Committee’s Homeland Security Subcommittee recently stated, ”Detention and removal officers had to reduce the number of detainees held at one time, about 23,000, to below 18,000. . . . ICE has not been fully engaged in going after absconders and is removing deportable aliens at a slower rate than in 2004. . . . There is roughly 465,000 absconders. . . . Forty-five of those are criminals . . . this has got to be on the top of our list, has it not?”

    Last year, this Congress passed and the President signed the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act. This Act called for an 800-agent increase in ICE strength in 2006 and for 8,000 more detention beds in 2006. Yet, the President’s budget calls for only 143 new ICE investigators, and 1,920 detention beds, both less than 20% of the number we authorized. 

    I am deeply disappointed by the Administration’s budget. It would be a horrible lapse of duty for this Subcommittee to allow a lack of resources to facilitate the embedding of terrorists and criminals in our country. I will do my utmost to ensure that the promise that Congress made to the American people in last year’s legislation will be fulfilled.

    The witnesses at today’s hearing will examine the need for the increases set forth in the Intelligence Reform and Terrorism Prevention Act from each of their unique perspectives.

John Hostettler is a true leader and I still regret that he lost his bid for reelection several years ago.  
In reading his testimony, you can easily see that he truly “gets it!”  You can see that Mr. Hostettler understood the clear nexus between immigration and terrorism and the threats by criminal aliens who come to our country to ply their “trades.”
Here is the link to my prepared testimony for that hearing which begins on page 32 of the transcript of the hearing:


Here is how my prepared testimony began:

    Mr. CUTLER. Thank you, Mr. Chairman. Chairman Hostettler,
Ranking Member Jackson Lee, distinguished Members of Congress, members
of the panel, ladies and gentlemen, I welcome this opportunity to
provide testimony today on the critical issue of interior enforcement
resources for the immigration laws.

    A country without secure borders can no more stand than can a house
without walls. The task of securing America’s borders falls to the
dedicated men and women of CBP and ICE. These law enforcement officers
are often put in harm’s way as they try to prevent aliens from gaining
unauthorized entry into our country. They are not succeeding in this
vital mission, as evidenced by the millions of illegal aliens who
currently live within our nation’s borders today. This is not because of
failings which the employees of ICE or CBP bear the responsibility, but
rather because our Government has consistently failed to provide them
with the resources that they need to make certain that this basic job
gets done.

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    The 9/11 Commission ultimately came to recognize the critical nature
of immigration law enforcement where the war on terror is concerned. In
fact, page 49 of the report entitled, ”9/11 and Terrorist Travel: A
Staff Report of the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the
United States,” contains a sentence that reads, and I quote, ”Thus
abuse of the immigration system and a lack of interior immigration
enforcement were unwittingly working together to support terrorist
activity,” unquote.

    Acting on recommendations of the Commission, Congress authorized the
expenditure of funds to enable 800 new special agents to be hired to
enforce the immigration laws from within the United States for each of
the next 5 years. I would actually argue that this number of new agents
would not be enough, especially considering the findings of the 9/11
Commission staff report that I have just quoted, and, therefore, I am
frankly at a loss to understand why the Administration is not requesting
at least as many new special agents as Congress authorized rather than
the requested funding for the hiring of only 143 new special agents. I
firmly believe that this represents a false economy and jeopardizes our
nation’s security.

    Clearly, the effective enforcement of the immigration laws from
within the interior of the United States is critical for our nation to
gain control of its borders and to protect its citizens from aliens who
come to this country to engage in criminal activities and terrorism.

Clearly the enforcement of our nation’s immigration has not been a priority or even, frankly, a real goal for a succession of administrations.  This is how we are now in the disastrous situation at a particularly perilous moment in history when our nation’s security and sovereignty are being threatened by a number of international terrorist organizations and a laundry list of transnational gangs with the most serious of those being the Mexican drug cartels.
These criminals and terrorists are finding our borders amount to little more than speed bumps and have insinuated themselves into communities across our vast nation.  The corruption of law enforcement officers as well as influential members of the political establishment is a primary objective for those who would do grave harm to our nation to enable them to expand their operations within our country.
It must be presumed that the cartels will not stop with efforts to corrupt the inspectors at ports of entry but will undoubtedly attempt to corrupt other employees of DHS who are charged with the enforcement of the immigration laws from within the interior of the United States.
I would be especially concerned about attempts that they will, undoubtedly, make to corrupt the adjudications officers who determine whether or not at confer lawful immigrant status upon aliens and even provide aliens with the platinum key to the kingdom- United States citizenship.  We already know that immigration fraud was an integral part of the strategy employed by terrorists who sought to embed themselves in our country- the same desire to embed or hide in plain sight has to be a major goal for members of the drug cartels.
As I continue to note at every opportunity I am afforded, we must realize that, in the name of “national security” we have lost nearly all of our expectations of privacy and freedom as called for in the Fourth Amendment.  Yet our borders are anything but secure and there is no integrity to the process by which aliens are admitted into our country under the color of law.  There is little integrity to the process by which aliens are provided with lawful immigrant status and even United States citizenship and there is a movement to provide a pathway to unknown millions, probably tens of millions of illegal aliens in our country whose true identities are unknown and unknowable.
When the “leaders” of our government make light of the violations of our nation’s borders and repeatedly call for providing a “pathway to United States citizenship” to millions of illegal aliens who have made a mockery of our nation’s laws and are now being told that the President of our nation and leaders in both houses of Congress are eager to reward their violations of law with citizenship- they are also encouraging those who are employed by the government to turn a blind eye to violations of law.
Today cities openly declare that they are “sanctuary cities” and the federal government takes no action against those cities for what has to be considered obstruction of governmental administration.  Yet when the State of Arizona enacted its own immigration laws under SB 1070 which essentially parallel the federal immigration statutes, the Department of Justice of the United States of America initiated a lawsuit in an effort to block Arizona from enforcing those laws!  Arizona was simply acting to fill the void created by the federal government that has abdicated its responsibility to enforce the immigration laws and secure the borders against the unlawful entry of aliens and God knows what contraband is pouring across those porous borders while the bobble heads in leadership positions within the administration have the chutzpah to repeatedly claim that the borders are secure!  This lunacy got kicked up more than a notch when Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, filed a report with the United Nations claiming that out of a concern for human rights, the DOJ filed that lawsuit against the State of Arizona even though that beleaguered state is experiencing and average of a kidnapping and/or home invasion each and every day in its capital of Phoenix!
I have also repeatedly noted that the immigration laws deem the encouragement of aliens to violate our borders and our laws is a felony under the United States Code.   
Here is an excerpt of the relating statute:
Title 8, U.S.C. ยง 1324(a) defines several distinct offenses related to aliens. Subsection 1324(a)(1)(i)-(v) prohibits alien smuggling, domestic transportation of unauthorized aliens, concealing or harboring unauthorized aliens, encouraging or inducing unauthorized aliens to enter the United States, and engaging in a conspiracy or aiding and abetting any of the preceding acts. Subsection 1324(a)(2) prohibits bringing or attempting to bring unauthorized aliens to the United States in any manner whatsoever, even at a designated port of entry. Subsection 1324(a)(3).

Encouraging/Inducing — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(iv) makes it an offense for any person who — encourages or induces an alien to come to, enter, or reside in the United States, knowing or in reckless disregard of the fact that such coming to, entry, or residence is or will be in violation of law.

Conspiracy/Aiding or Abetting — Subsection 1324(a)(1)(A)(v) expressly makes it an offense to engage in a conspiracy to commit or aid or abet the commission of the foregoing offenses.

Here is the link to this section of law in its entirety:
I would argue that when the leaders of our nation take every opportunity to tell illegal aliens and aspiring illegal aliens that our government seeks to ultimately reward those who would violate our borders and laws with United States citizenship are, in fact, encouraging and inducing still more aliens to run our nation’s borders or otherwise seek to enter our country with the expectation of ultimately being rewarded with United States citizenship!  
The effective enforcement and administration of our nation’s immigration laws are, arguably, among the most important of all missions that are supposed to be carried out by our federal government.  
Nothing less than the security of our nation and safety of our citizens hang in the balance!
A country without secure borders can no more stand than can a house without walls!


our country is to survive and if our children and their children are to get their share of the “American Dream” the citizens of this nation must take their citizenship seriously!

We the People must be the best citizens we can be, citizens who are worthy of the gallantry demonstrated by our valiant men and women in the military, law enforcement and firefighters, who routinely go in harm’s way in defense of this nation and our citizens.  
My goal in writing this and other commentaries is to point out our nations many failings before more victims pay the ultimate price for the incompetence and ineptitude of our government.
The first step in problem-solving is to first identify the problems and vulnerabilities and then devise strategies to overcome them.
If you find yourself to be in agreement with this commentary, I ask that you forward it to as many of your friends and family members as possible and encourage them to do the same.  We need to create a “Bucket Brigade of Truth!”

The practice of good citizenship does not end in the voting booth, it only begins there.

The large scale apathy demonstrated by citizens of this nation has emboldened elected representatives to all but ignore the needs of the average American citizen in a quest for massive campaign funds and the promises of votes to be ostensibly delivered by special interest groups. There is much that we cannot do but there is one thing that We the People absolutely must do- we must stop sitting on the sidelines!

The collective failure of We the People to get involved in make our concerns known to our politicians have nearly made the concerns of the great majority of the citizens of this nation all but irrelevant to the politicians.  I implore you to resolve this year to get involved!
I believe our nation’s is greatly benefited by the rich diversity of our people which is why I could never imagine living anywhere except New York City, arguably the most diverse city in our nation if not, in fact, the world.  However, my idea of diversity most certainly does not include members of MS-13, the Mexican drug cartels or members of other transnational gangs or members of al-Qaeda!

If this situation concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation! 

All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!

We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.

This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!

You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!

Democracy is not a spectator sport!

Lead, follow or get out of the way!

-michael cutler- 

Please check out my website:



By Katherine McIntire Peters kpeters@govexec.com Government Executive 

Drug cartels are working hard to corrupt federal agents and drive a hole through border security.

It’s not clear when Louis Enrique Ramirez took his first bribe. In the summer of 2005, the former customs inspector apparently began cutting deals with smugglers to allow undocumented immigrants as well as the occasional load of drugs across the Southwest border from Mexico into Texas. During the next three and a half years, U.S. investigators believe Ramirez pocketed $500,000 to provide safe passage for illegal immigrants and cocaine. In early 2009, Ramirez fled to Mexico after someone tipped him off that investigators had begun to unravel his scheme.

The law caught up with Ramirez late last fall when federal agents arrested him crossing the international bridge from Matamoros, Mexico, into Brownsville, Texas. A partially unsealed 13-count indictment against the 38-year-old former inspector at the Homeland Security Department’s Customs and Border Protection bureau charged him with multiple counts of drug trafficking, alien smuggling, conspiracy and bribery. On March 3, just as jury selection for his trial was about to begin, he pleaded guilty to cocaine trafficking and alien smuggling and admitted he belonged to a drug trafficking organization. In addition to coordinating drug shipments through the inspection lanes he handled at the U.S. border, Ramirez conspired to bring undocumented foreigners into the United States and transport them farther “for commercial advantage and private financial gain,” noted a statement released by the U.S. Attorney’s Office for the Southern District of Texas.

U.S. District Judge Andrew Hanen convicted Ramirez and ordered him to forfeit $500,000 – the amount of money federal agents believe Ramirez made through corruption. Hanen set sentencing for early June when Ramirez faces additional fines totaling $4.7 million. He could spend the rest of his life in prison.

The Ramirez case and others illustrate a worrisome trend at CBP. As the bureau has ratcheted up efforts to cope with the tide of crime sweeping across the Southwest border, Mexican cartels have stepped up efforts to infiltrate CBP and other federal, state and local agencies responsible for policing the border. A week after Ramirez entered his guilty plea, federal agents arrested nearly a dozen members of a smuggling ring operating in the border town of Columbus, N.M. Among those netted in the raid were the mayor and police chief. According to the 84-count indictment against them, they supplied weapons to criminals in Mexico.

Thomas Frost, Homeland Security’s assistant inspector general for investigations, told Senate lawmakers in 2010, “Drug trafficking organizations have purchased information to vet their members, to track investigative activity and to identify cooperative individuals” in U.S. law enforcement.

For a number of reasons, Mexican drug cartels have targeted CBP agents in traffickers’ broad efforts to corrupt U.S. law enforcement personnel, says James Tomsheck, assistant commissioner for internal affairs at the bureau. “We are the largest law enforcement organization in the United States and much of that growth has occurred in the last five years. It creates vulnerabilities that are inevitable.”

Tomsheck notes that the Border Patrol agents and customs inspectors on the front lines of the long-running battle against multinational drug cartels serve in the highest threat environment for corruption and integrity issues that law enforcement personnel face – the Southwest border. “And we’re doing all this at a point in time when there are clear indications there are greater efforts on the part of those who would compromise our workforce than ever before,” he says.

Rooting Out Corruption

Few problems have been as vexing to Washington politicians as border security along the 1,900-mile stretch of territory that separates the United States from Mexico. In a quest to stanch the flow of drugs and illegal immigrants coming into the states from the south, recent Republican and Democratic administrations have at least one approach in common – policies that have created unprecedented growth at Customs and Border Protection. In the last five years alone, from 2005 through 2010, CBP grew by 16,315 employees, from 42,409 to 58,724.

As CBP has been ramping up efforts along the border, Mexican cartels have been mounting their own offensive – to infiltrate the bureau, Tomsheck says. Since Oct. 1, 2004, 121 current or former CBP employees have been arrested, indicted or prosecuted for corruption, including cases in which employee actions were serious enough to compromise the bureau’s mission. The number dipped in 2006 and 2007, but rose again sharply in 2008 and 2009.

“We take great pride in the fact that despite that scenario, we maintain a very high integrity workforce where all but a fraction of 1 percent of [employees] continue to engage in the most honest behavior you can expect of a law en- forcement organization,” Tomsheck says. Nonetheless, the number of corruption cases has outpaced the rate at which CBP has grown, he adds, prompting senior leaders to reorganize and boost its internal affairs staff and activities.

“The number of arrests trended upward pretty significantly,” Tomsheck says. The dip in the number of employees arrested for corruption between 2009 (when 29 were taken into custody) and 2010 (when the number dropped to 18) is encouraging, but he isn’t declaring victory. “I hope it’s a legitimate downward trend, but it’s really too early to tell. We’d like to think that some of the measures we’ve put into place with some of our partners have had an impact,” he says.

Among the steps CBP began taking in 2008, as corruption arrests were starting to peak, was a program to polygraph applicants who were considered a high risk for law enforcement positions – especially those who had lived outside the United States for periods of time, making it difficult to assess their suitability through standard background investigations. “From that program there were strong indicators that there were infiltrators in our applicant pool, and polygraph was successful in identifying them. The numbers wouldn’t be appropriate for me to discuss, but an alarming number were identified,” Tomsheck says.

Expanding Polygraphs

A September 2010 investigative report by the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee staff found that drug cartels “have been attempting to infiltrate the agency by sending drug traffickers to take the entrance examination.”

Among CBP applicants who take polygraph tests, 60 percent are found to be ineligible for employment, primarily because they have a history of drug abuse or criminal activity that they failed to disclose during the application process. Among applicants who take and pass the polygraph, fewer than 1 percent later fail the mandatory background investigation. But among those who don’t receive a polygraph, the failure rate of the background investigation is roughly 22 percent, the Senate report found.

Despite the value of the polygraph test in screening out ineligible law enforcement applicants, the test is administered to only about 15 percent of applicants. The fact that such a valuable tool goes unused 85 percent of the time is a matter of resources, Tomsheck says. CBP does not have enough trained polygraph examiners to increase the rate of testing, a problem that has been compounded by significant growth in personnel. Between 2002 and 2009, the workforce doubled from 10,045 to 20,119. As pressure on internal affairs to screen more applicants has grown, the office is handling more investigations into employee misconduct. There were 576 allegations of corruption among Border Patrol agents in 2009 alone, the Senate report found.

In December, Congress passed the 2010 Anti-Border Corruption Act, which required CBP within two years to submit all applicants to a polygraph examination prior to hiring them. The law, which President Obama signed in January, also requires CBP to clear its backlog of periodic reinvestigations of current employees – a backlog that has grown to 19,000, or 45 percent of its law enforcement positions, according to the Senate investigation.

Law enforcement personnel undergo mandatory background reinvestigations every five years. So, each year the investigations are scheduled for the cohort of officers hired five years earlier. CBP has  been unable to keep up with the schedule, however. Under the new law, the bureau must initiate (not necessarily complete) all scheduled reinvestigations within 180 days. Employees undergoing re-examinations will not be subject to mandatory polygraphs, something employee unions have protested, but investigators can request a polygraph if they have reason to believe such an exam would be useful in a particular case and the employee consents to one, he says.

The polygraph mandate, which the Congressional Budget Office estimates will cost $19 million to implement during the 2011-2015 period, creates new challenges for internal affairs. Tomsheck in January met with officials at the National Center for Credibility Assessment, based at Fort Jackson, S.C., to discuss how the polygraph training center can help CBP expand the number of certified examiners to meet the law’s requirements. The military school, which has operated under various names in the past, offers the only federally certified polygraph instruction in the nation. All law enforcement examiners must complete the 14-week course to become certified under federal law.

“A polygraph exam is a psychological test. It’s a fragile one. It needs to be properly administered by highly trained professionals, and there needs to be a very standardized approach to get a valid result,” Tomsheck says. While polygraph exams can be flawed, as the tool’s critics are quick to point out, “the overwhelming body of research strongly supports the use of polygraph both in applicant screening and in criminal testing,” he adds.

Additional Steps Tomsheck arrived at CBP in 2006 from the Secret Service, where he oversaw 22 field offices as a senior executive in the office of investigations. With the support of CBP leadership, he set out to restructure and bolster the bureau’s anti-corruption program. When he started, the internal affairs staff numbered around 160 employees; today he has more than 620 and he expects to hire more personnel in the future beyond those needed to expand the polygraph program.

Eventually, he says he’d like to see periodic reinvestigations evolve into a continuous monitoring program. Among the anti-corruption efforts he has expanded at CBP is a program to better analyze corruption patterns to detect potential problems earlier and prevent criminal activity.

Janene Corrado, director of internal affairs’ integrity programs division, says CBP analysts continually examine vast quantities of public data to search for anomalies that could indicate corruption. Among the most ambitious projects the division has undertaken is one to build a case study of the insider threat at CBP. Analysts are methodically examining every corruption case to detect patterns or other indicators that will further develop their understanding of the threat. In each case, they’re attempting to interview former co-workers and associates to build a comprehensive picture of corrupt behavior. The information they develop will inform training programs and operations to root out corruption.

Another increasingly ripe source of data for analysts are social networking websites, Corrado says. Employees often reveal compromising information, assuming wrongly their revelations are private, or shared only among confidants. “Sites like Facebook and MySpace are a gold mine,” she says.

Another red flag is a sudden change in an employee’s financial behavior.

Conspicuous consumption should trigger a closer look by managers, Corrado says, noting that for federal employees, earnings are a matter of public record.

“If one of your employees pulls into the parking lot with a new Hummer, maybe you want to engage them and find out [what prompted the expensive purchase],” she says. “It may be completely explainable – maybe grandma left someone $100,000, or someone won the lottery. The dollar always gives us a lot of information.”

Consider the case of former customs inspector Margarita Crispin. While Crispin lived modestly in El Paso, Texas, not long after she was hired by CBP she bought two expensive homes in Mexico, along with several luxury vehicles. Tipped off by an informant that Crispin was allowing drug shipments through the lanes she worked at the El Paso port of entry, FBI and Homeland Security agents were tracking her movements when they discovered the purchases, made through straw buyers, as well as her social connections to known drug traffickers. In July 2007, after nearly three years of investigation, federal agents arrested Crispin when she showed up for work. In April 2008, she pleaded guilty to various charges and was sentenced to 22 years in prison. FBI investigators estimate she received more than $5 million in bribes during her employment with CBP.

Tomsheck and other bureau officials hope CBP has turned the tide on rising corruption cases. “We are looking very carefully and very hopefully at the downward trend. We hope it’s an indicator we have rounded the corner,” he says.

(C) 2011



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