Hi Gang:
Happy Friday!
I will doing a “Radio Double-Header” today, September 5th beginning at 8:00 AM, Eastern Daylight Saving Time, when I will be a guest on Charles Butler’s radio show, “The Take” that is broadcast from Chicago, Illinois.
Here is the link to his program:
Then, this evening, at 7:00 PM, Eastern Daylight Saving Time, I will be hosting my radio program “The Michael Cutler Hour.”
My guest this evening will be my friend Lauren Martel, who is a resident of Hilton Head, South Carolina, where she practices law and is a political activist.
We will cover lots of territory beginning with the fact that we are rapidly approaching the 12th Anniversary of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. Additionally, earlier this week, on Tuesday, September 3rd I had the privilege of joining Congressman Lou Barletta and radio talk show host Marc Bernier at a town hall meeting to discuss illegal immigration on the campus of Embry-Riddle University.
I have known Lou for a number of years- going back to the federal trial that resulted from a lawsuit filed against him and his town of Hazleton, PA when he was the mayor of that town and enacted ordinances against illegal immigration in response to a series of murders and other violent crimes committed by transnational drug traffickers who had set up shop in his town. The lawsuit was filed by the illegal aliens and the ACLU that represented them. I was the final witness at that trial.
Lou and I have become friends since then and he has truly offered a strong “voice of reason” to the national debate on immigration.
I have been a guest on Marc’s terrific show many times over the past decade. He made this event possible. The event was broadcast live on his radio station WNDB and was video-taped by several organizations including C-SPAN which is planning to air the meeting soon. (I will provide the information about this as soon as they determine when it will be aired.
Here is the way that “Talkers Magazine,” the magazine of talk radio, reported on the event:
Illegal Immigration Forum. Congressman Lou Barletta (PA-11) and former INS agent Michael Cutler appeared in “The President Speakers Series” on the subject of illegal immigration at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University in Daytona Beach. The event was moderated by the talk show host Marc Bernier – who also serves as President’s special assistant at the university – and was broadcast on WNDB, Daytona Beach and carried by C-SPAN. Pictured here are (from l-r): Bernier, ERAU president John P. Johnson, Rep. Barletta and Cutler. The event was the 95th in the Town Hall Series. Photo by Arthur J. Byrnes.
I hope you will be listening to both shows!
Immigration is not a single issue but a singular issue that impacts nearly every challenge and threat confronting the United States today!
If our government’s failures to protect American lives and American jobs by securing our nation’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws concerns you, or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative.” This is not only your right- it is your obligation!
It is not “Anti-Immigrant to be Pro-American!”
We must make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!
We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.
This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!
You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!
Democracy is not a spectator sport!
Lead, follow or get out of the way!
On Friday evenings from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM Eastern Time, I host my show, “The Michael Cutler Hour” on the USA Talk Radio Network on Blog Talk Radio.
Call in and join the conversation! The phone number is 310-982-4145
I hope you will be listening! (Please tell your friends and neighbors!)
Here is a link to the program:
Archived shows here:
USA Talk Radio
The call-in number for a live show is 310-982-4145
Call in via Skype for free here
(while show is Live)