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I appeared on a Canadian television program to discuss the terrorist attacks of 9/11
Hi Gang:
If our government’s failures to protect American jobs by securing our nation’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws concerns you
or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation!
All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!
We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.
Immigration is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, immigration is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!
You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!
Democracy is not a spectator sport!
Lead, follow or get out of the way!
USA Talk Radio
The call-in number for a live show is 310-982-4145