"Trump Should Rescind Work Authorization for H-4 Visas"

Hi Gang:

Let me begin by wishing all of you a very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year!

Please make it your New Year’s Resolution to stand your ground and not back away from peaceful discussions about the important issues of the day.  

As Americans, we have an absolute right, under the very First Amendment of the Constitution to practice Freedom of Speech and the right for peaceable assemblage.  

Your arguments must be fact-based and objective.  It is my intention that my articles provide you with irrefutable ammunition in that “war of words” where immigration is concerned.

Kindly forward this e-mail to as many folks as you can and then ask that those to whom you send this, to forward it along to everyone they can- I am attempting to create a “Bucket Brigade of Truth!”
On January 2, 2018 Newsmax published my commentary: Trump Should Rescind Work Authorization for H-4 Visas

My article focused on how, the news media in India have taken to criticize the President of the United States for standing up for the citizens of the United States!

At issue is the H-1B visa program for supposedly highly-skilled foreign workers and their dependents, who are admitted into the United States with H-4 visas.  Under the Obama administration, aliens admitted with H-4 visas were granted employment authorization.  President Trump has announced that this policy of providing employment authorization to aliens who are admitted into the United States with H-4 visas is not in the best interests of America or Americans and that consequently, he was considering terminating this policy. 

Of course the President is correct on this important issue.

Fake- indeed, outrageous news, is not limited to the mainstream media but can be found in countries around the world.  The article upon which my commentary for Newsmax was predicated has taken chutzpah to an entirely new level!