“Trump Administration’s Office to Assist Victims of Criminal Aliens, Prioritizes Innocent Lives.”

Hi Gang:
On May 1, 2017 CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) posted my article, Trump Administration’s Office to Assist Victims of Criminal Aliens, Prioritizes Innocent Lives.

Kindly forward this e-mail to as many folks as you can and then ask those to whom you send this to forward it on to as many folks as they can.  I am attempting to create a “Bucket Brigade of Truth” and need your help!

Please remember to tune into my radio show, “The Michael Cutler Hour” on BlogTalk Radio on Friday evenings at 7:00 PM, Eastern Time, and find podcasts of my previous programs at:   

  USA Talk Radio

My most recent commentary for CAPS focuses on an important measure being implemented by the Trump administration to assist the victims and family members of victims of criminal aliens.

This important step not only represents yet another campaign promise that President Trump made and kept but also sends the clear message that America will look out for Americans citizens, irrespective of race, religion or ethnicity- first!

For decades politicians have been quick to implement measures to assist aliens whose simple presence in the United States represents violations of our most fundamental laws.  To this day politicians, pundits and others pursue an outrageous open-borders agenda and seek to assist illegal aliens while ignoring the plight of United States citizens and aliens who are lawfully present in the United States.

Sanctuary Cities, Sanctuary States and Sanctuary Campuses are examples of this duplicitous lunacy.

By blurring the distinction between aliens who are legally present in the United States and aliens who are illegally present, lawful immigrants pay a serious price- perhaps the most serious price.  They are the most likely to suffer violence at the hands of the criminal aliens who live within their ethnic immigrant communities and they may find that Americans may resent them rather than welcome them because the term “immigrant” has come to be used to describe any alien irrespective of immigration status or lack thereof.

While America is indeed a “Nation of immigrants”  it is not a nation of trespassers!  

(The difference between and immigrant and an illegal alien is comparable to the difference between a houseguest and a burglar.)

Flooding America with foreign workers, both legal and illegal, is designed to drive down the wages of workers in the United States.

The Trump administration policies are reversing this disgusting tactic.

On April 30, 2009 Alan Greenspan, the former Chairman of the Federal Reserve Bank and, arguably, one of the chief architects of the economic meltdown of 2008 testified before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on Immigration, In his prepared testimony Refugees and Border Security, then chaired by Senator Chuck Schumer.  The topic of that hearing was: 

Greenspan’s prepared testimony  included the following infuriating paragraph in which he provided an argument for flooding America with many more foreign high-tech workers under the aegis of the H-1B visa program as requested by Bill Gates:

First, skilled workers and their families form new households. They will, of necessity, move into vacant housing units, the current glut of which is depressing prices of American homes. And, of course, house price declines are a major factor in mortgage foreclosures and the plunge in value of the vast quantity of U.S. mortgage-backed securities that has contributed substantially to the disabling of our banking system. The second bonus would address the increasing concentration of income in this country. Greatly expanding our quotas for the highly skilled would lower wage premiums of skilled over lesser skilled. Skill shortages in America exist because we are shielding our skilled labor force from world competition. Quotas have been substituted for the wage pricing mechanism. In the process, we have created a privileged elite whose incomes are being supported at noncompetitively high levels by immigration quotas on skilled professionals. Eliminating such restrictions would reduce at least some of our income inequality.

The calls for reduction in “Wage Inequality” is actually a call for the reduction of the wages of American middle class workers through the importation of foreign competitors.

Tactics of intimidation are the stock and trade of the open borders anarchists.  Anyone who would dare suggest that our government must exercise caution in admitting aliens into the United States to protect the safety and security of America and Americans are quickly branded “racist” and “nativist.”  Their objective is to shut down debate and discourse- the hallmarks of true democracies.

Americans must be willing to stand their ground and not be intimidated by the false accusations- far too much hangs in the balance!

Many people have come to complain that we have become too “Politically Correct” to speak the truth about important issues.  My view is that the artful use of language that has been described as examples of political correctness are in fact, examples of Orwellian “Newspeak.” 

Having invoked George Orwell, it is appropriate to consider, a couple of his brilliant quotes:

Trump Administration’s Office to Assist Victims of Criminal Aliens, Prioritizes Innocent Lives

On April 26, 2017, ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) posted a news release, 


May 1, 2017   Michael W. Cutler

Share your thoughts at the CAPS Facebook page.

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On April 5, 2016 FrontPage Magazine published my article:  America Now Has an Official Language: Newspeak

The Spring 2016 edition of The Social Contract included my article:

Immigration and the Art of the Question – Effective questions that must be asked of our politicians

Here are links to a few of my recent commentaries that provide a bit of additional background into the true importance of our immigration laws.  These laws and our borders have never been more important as ISIS and other terror organizations continue their murderous rampage across the Middle East and elsewhere.  These terrorists would love nothing better than to carry out a major attack in the United States:

The Summer 2015 edition of The Social Contract included my article:

The 9/11 Commission Report and Immigration: An Assessment, Fourteen Years after the Attacks

Our borders and our immigration laws are also supposed to not only protect the lives of Americans but the livelihoods of American workers.

The importance of our borders and our immigration laws cannot be overemphasized.  In the war on terror and transnational gangs, they are our first line of defense and our last line of defense against international terrorists and transnational criminals.  They are equally important to American workers who are facing unfair competition from foreign workers, aided and abetted by the administration and advocates for “Sanctuary Cities” and Comprehensive Immigration Reform.  

On June 16, 2015 Californians for Population Stabilization (CAPS) posted my article: Immigration System Must Work for Best Interests of Americans

On July 7, 2014, FrontPage published my article, Border Security and the Immigration Colander.

Effective Immigration Law Enforcement is ‘Pro-Immigrant,’ Compassionate

On July 16, 2015 Californians for Population Stabilization posted my article:

Sanctuary Cities and Collateral Damage

On March 31, 2016 FrontPage Magazine published my article:

Terrorism, Enclaves and Sanctuary Cities

How sanctuary cities facilitate the growth of terror enclaves in America.

On April 20, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article, How DHS Ineptitude Facilitates Terrorist Operations » A chilling case-in-point from Ohio.

The Winter Edition of the Social Contract includes my article, Sanctuary Cities Endanger – National Security and Public Safety

On September 3, 2015 FrontPage Magazine posted my article: Keeping Track of Visa ViolatorsThe overlooked source of the nation’s illegal immigration problems that people are finally talking about.

On September 10, 2015 FrontPage magazine published my article: Educating Our Adversaries: Why educating foreign STEM students is bad for American workers and national security.

On October 7, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: Syrian ‘Refugees’ and Immigration RouletteHow the government is recklessly playing with American lives.

On November 12, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: Educating ‘Engineers of Jihad’ at US UniversitiesHow the legal immigration system allowed four al-Qaeda-linked terrorists to attend U.S. colleges and roam free among us.

On January 23, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article:  Sleeper Cells: The Immigration Component of the Threat.

On October 12, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: Immigration and the Wage Race to the Bottom

On October 20, 2015 FrontPage Magazine published my article: Immigration Law Enforcement: Why Bother? – The crucial issues at stake for American citizens.

On June 13, 2013 I was interviewed by Neil Cavuto at Fox News on the topic:

The interview ran about 4 minutes and is worth watching.

The starting point for any conversation or legislation concerning immigration must be the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission which determined that a lack of border security, including the visa process. and fraud in the immigration benefits program enabled terrorists to enter and embed themselves in the United States, as they went about their deadly preparations.

In his historic speech before the 3rd Army on May 31, 1944, General George S. Patton said, on the strategy of holding a position:

We’re not holding anything, we’ll let the Hun do that. We are advancing constantly, and we’re not interested in holding onto anything except the enemy.”

Pushing back against Comprehensive Immigration Reform is the same as holding position. The time has come for us to advance by demanding that our borders be made truly secure and our immigration laws be effectively administered and enforced.

Comprehensive Immigration Reform violates all of the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission but no one is willing to even consider how the lack of real border security and the lack of real integrity to the various components of the immigration system imperil national security and public safety.

Immigration is not a single issue but a singular issue that impacts nearly every challenge and threat confronting the United States today!  Simply stated, the immigration laws were enacted to save lives and protect the jobs of American workers.

It is not “Anti-Immigrant” to be “Pro-American!”

To provide a bit of clarity, the difference between an illegal alien and a lawful immigrant is comparable to the difference between a burglar and a houseguest.

Our armed forces are charged with securing America’s borders externally while the DHS is supposed to secure those same borders from within.  The failures of the DHS to live up to its half of the equation are undermining the efforts, valor and incredible sacrifices of Americas men and women who serve in our military!

If our government’s failures to protect American jobs by securing our nation’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation! 

All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!

We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.

This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!

You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!

Democracy is not a spectator sport!

Lead, follow or get out of the way!

-michael cutler- 

Please check out my website:


On Friday evenings from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM Eastern Time, I host my show, “The Michael Cutler Hour” on the USA Talk Radio Network on Blog Talk Radio.

Call in and join the conversation!  The phone number is 310-982-4145

I hope you will be listening!  (Please tell your friends and neighbors!)

You can find my show and archives of my previous shows here:

  USA Talk Radio

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On Friday evenings from 7:00 PM until 8:00 PM Eastern Time, I host my show, “The Michael Cutler Hour” on the USA Talk Radio Network on Blog Talk Radio.

Call in and join the conversation!  The phone number is 310-982-4145

Here is the link to my program and my archived shows:

  USA Talk Radio

Call in via Skype for free here
(while show is Live)