On the radio today beginning at 9:30 AM, Eastern Time to discuss ongoing border crisis and my commentary for CAPS

Hi Gang:

Please forward this e-mail to as many folks as you can and ask that they, in turn, do the same.  I am attempting to create a “Bucket Brigade of Truth!”

The lunacy continues along America’s Southwest border that is supposed to separate the United States from Mexico and I have been invited to provide perspectives on four terrific radio shows today, Tuesday, July 8th, beginning at 9:30 AM, Eastern Daylight Saving Time.  I have provided a rundown on those radio shows below, but first, here is the link to my latest commentary for CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization).  It was posted on July 5th and addresses the crisis and provides a bit of insight into the political hypocrisy that is to be found in the position taken by all too many of our “leaders” who have been vocal in their support of Comprehensive Immigration Reform and benefits for “DREAMers” and are now being confronted by irate- indeed, infuriated constituents.  The timing could not be worse for them- Election Day is looming large on the horizon!
Share your thoughts at the CAPS Facebook page.
CAPS | capsweb.org
FB | Californians for Population Stabilization
Twitter @Crowdifornia

Here is the information about the four shows I will be appearing on today:

First I will be joining my friend, Charles Butler on his show, “The Charles Butler Show this is broadcast from Chicago, Illinois on Radio Station WGCN.  Here is the link to his show:

Next, from 11:00 AM – 12:00 Noon (Eastern Time) I will be on “Commonsense Coalition Talk Radio” hosted by Beth Schoeneberg that is broadest from California, Missouri on numerous radio stations around the United States.  You can listen online at:


At 12:15 PM (Eastern Time) I will be on Cindy Graves’ show on station WBOB (660-AM:  The Answer) that is broadcast from Jacksonville, Florida.  You may listen online at:

At 12:40 PM (Eastern Time)  I will be a guest on Darryl Berger Show, 

“Comment Please by Univest” that is broadcast from Lansdale, Pennsylvania on Radio Station WNPV- 1440.

You can listen online at:


To provide additional background information-