“DHS And Alien Smugglers: Partners In Crime”
On April 13, 2013 ICE posted a news release:
Here is a quote from that news release:
Earl Seth David, 45, ran a scheme in which he and his co-conspirators applied for legal status for tens of thousands of illegal aliens based on phony claims that they had been sponsored for employment by U.S. employers.
David was indicted October 2011, and extradited to the United States from Canada in January 2012. He pleaded guilty in April 2012 to one count of conspiracy to commit immigration fraud and one count of conspiracy to commit mail and wire fraud.
It is mind-boggling that after all of the potential counts to his indictment, David was permitted to plead guilty to just one count each of immigration fraud and mail fraud when it is believed that he committed thousands of separate crimes.
This next quote is no less mind-boggling:
David continued to operate the scheme even after he was suspended from the practice of law in New York State in March 2004.
He fled to Canada in 2006 after learning that his firm was under federal criminal investigation. However, illicit profits from the scheme continued to be funneled to him in Canada…”
How in the world did USCIS continue to accept and process applications from the offices of an attorney whose license had been suspended and who was operating outside the United States?
Additionally, there was no mention of any efforts to identify, locate or arrest any of the estimated more than 25,000 aliens who successfully gamed the immigration system. The 12 individuals who have been thus far named did not include any of the tens of thousands of aliens who benefited from their crimes and are, it must be presumed, un-indicted co-conspirators.
In the days, weeks and months after the terror attacks of September 11, 2001 a parade of self-righteous indignant politicians stood before a sea of cameras and pounded the podium and demanded to know why “No one connected the dots.”
The dots have been connected again and again ad nauseum. Yet these same politicians are now demanding that a law be enacted that violates the findings and recommendations of the 9/11 Commission even as new “horror stories” emerge with regularity showing how terrorists are clearly able to easily enter the United States and embed themselves by availing themselves of immigration benefits to which they were not entitled but received because of the utter lack of integrity to the adjudications process at USCIS. Comprehensive Immigration Reform would only make matters worse- far worse. Yet the push continues for passage for Comprehensive Immigration Reform.
I articulated my concerns about the previous attempt to enact Comprehensive Immigration Refom in my Op-Ed that the Washington Times published on June 22, 2007 and that Senator Jeff Sessions of Alabama quoted from, on three separate dates, from the floor of the U.S. during the contentious floor debates. In my piece I recommended that Comprehensive Immigration Reform be given a more honest and descriptive title, I suggested that it be renamed the “Terrorist Assistance and Facilitation Act!”
My article was entitled:
What I said back then certainly applies today, and then some!
If our government’s failures to protect American jobs by securing our nation’s borders and effectively enforcing our immigration laws concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation!
All I ask is that you make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!
We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.
This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!
You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!
Democracy is not a spectator sport!
Lead, follow or get out of the way!
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