"ICE Dallas office deports man wanted for homicide in Mexico"

Hi Gang:
The open borders advocates who I have come to refer to as being the “Immigration Anarchists” hate honest language where issues concerning the security of our borders and the enforcement of our immigration laws are concerned.

They are adamant that the term “alien” be stricken from the vernacular and that aliens who evade the inspections process that is supposed to prevent the entry of aliens into the United States whose presence is harmful or even dangerous be simply referred to as being “undocumented.”  Aliens who evade the inspections process may or may not have documentation- the problem is not a lack of documentation but that they were not inspected!

Think of all of the various processes where we expect that an effective inspection will be conducted.  Every state mandates that cars, trucks, busses, motorcycles and other such conveyances are inspected to make certain that they are roadworthy- minimally that the brakes work, the steering mechanism is sound and that the lights and horn all function properly. 

Before flying an airplane, whether it is a single seat plane or a huge multi-engine airliner, a preflight inspection is supposed to be conducted to make certain that the aircraft is airworthy and safe to fly.

Restaurants are supposed to be routinely inspected to make certain that the kitchen is clean and that those who work in the kitchen are practicing safe food handling techniques and the refrigerator as as cold as it needs to be, etc.  (As an interesting aside, New York’s overbearing mayor, Mike Bloomberg, now requires that every eatery in New York have a letter grade prominently displayed in a prominent location so that patrons and would-be patrons can know how clean and safe each such establishment is.  This is probably not a bad idea, yet where illegal aliens including those who entered the United States without inspection must not be reported to the federal government and has made certain that they are eligible for all benefits that lawful immigrants and United States citizens are entitled to!)

Where the entry of aliens into the United States is concerned, the inspections process is mandated by law to be conducted in an effort to prevent the entry of aliens whose presence might, in one way or another, pose a threat to the well being of citizens of the United States and national security.

The Immigration and Nationality Act (INA) was enacted to achieve two primary goals; to protect American lives and protect the jobs of American workers.  In conjunction with these goals the INA mandates that any individual who desires to enter the United States must do so at a designated port of entry so that the person can be interviewed by an appropriate government official (a Customs and Border Protection Inspector).  This requirement is to be found in Title 8, United States Code, Section 1225.

Similarly, the INA provides a list of categories of aliens who may not be admitted into the United States.  That list can be found in Title 8, United States Code, Section 1182 or in the companion section of the INA, Section 212.  This section of law includes aliens who suffer dangerous communicable diseases, suffer mental illness and are prone to violence, aliens who are convicted felons, members of violent gangs, are engaged in human trafficking, narcotics smuggling, human rights violators, war criminals, spies and terrorists.  Aliens who would seek to work in violation of law are also deemed excludible.

When I was a special agent of the INS we used a bit of jargon to describe an alien who was not inspected.  The term that we used was EWI.  This three word acronym stood for Entry Without Inspection.  In other words, they snuck into the United States by evading the essential process required by law, that is supposed to provide an important layer of security for Americans and America.

The point to the inspections is not the mere formality that the open border advocates would have you believe it is.  Customs and Border Protection Inspectors are not the equivalent of toll collectors at bridges, tunnels and toll roads.   These inspectors need to be seen for what they are, a component of national security and an adjunct to the work done by our valiant members of the Armed Forces.  

That was why in August 2011 I wrote a commentary for CAPS (Californians for Population Stabilization) about the issue of the nexus between the mission of border security, immigration law enforcement and our military:

I am intimately familiar with the inspections process, for the first four years of my career with the INS, I was an Immigration Inspector and was assigned to John F. Kennedy International Airport in New York. Under the current circumstances, America combatting threats posed by terrorists and transnational gangs, that process has never been more significant.  Yet, that process has never been more maligned than it is today!

Henceforth, I will use this term- EWI, to describe a foreign national (alien) who entered the United States without inspection and I ask that you use it as well!  This acronym, based on three words, is concise, factual and accurate.  Furthermore and most importantly, it gets to the heart of the issue about an illegal alien who circumvented the vital inspections process to illegally gain entry into the United States. 

My commentary today is based on an ICE (Immigration and Customs Enforcement) news release that was dated December 21, 2012 and focused on Jorge Gonzalez-Acostaan, a citizen of Mexico and a EWI criminal alien.  A copy of that news release is attached below.

Here is an excerpt from that news release: 

Jorge Gonzalez-Acosta, 46, first illegally entered the United States in August 1982. He pleaded guilty in 1987 to voluntary manslaughter in the Southern District of Texas, and was sentenced to 30 years in prison. While serving this sentence, a federal immigration judge ordered his deportation. He was released from prison and removed to Mexico in June 1996.

Afterwards, and on various occasions, Gonzalez-Acosta illegally re-entered the United States, which is a felony. He was twice prosecuted for this crime, and was sentenced to 37 months in prison and 57 months in prison in December 2004 and March 2009, respectively.

Gonzalez-Acosta was released from his latest prison sentence into ICE custody Dec. 11, 2012. ICE officers worked with Mexico’s Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) to identify that Gonzalez-Acosta was wanted for homicide in Mexico. PGR’s attaché to ICE assisted with providing copies of the warrant and assisted with coordinating the removal with PGR authorities at the U.S./Mexico International Border at Laredo, Texas, Dec. 19.

“This particularly egregious

case shows how our ERO officers help protect public safety on a daily basis,” said Simona Flores, field office director for ERO Dallas. “We work closely with our law enforcement partners to remove dangerous criminal aliens from our local communities, and then remove them from the country.”

Here are some points for you to consider:

First of all, I am often asked why the United States should prosecute and imprison criminals who turn out to be aliens who are subject to deportation.  They want to know if it makes sense to spend the huge sums of money it takes to conduct a trial and then to house criminal aliens in prisons in the United States at a cost of tens of thousands of dollars per year per criminal alien.

This case is a perfect example to justify the prosecution and imprisonment of a criminal alien.  He pleaded guilty to voluntary manslaughter- obviously he poses a major threat to public safety. 

He was sentenced to serve 30 years- you really have to wonder at the particulars where his crime is concerned, and yet, for whatever reason, an Immigration Judge apparently managed to get this guy released so that he could be deported from the United States just nine years after he began his 30 year sentence.  He quickly returned to the United States illegally- most likely as an EWI on not one but two separate occasions even though he was prosecuted for unlawful re-entry the first time!

The fact that he was wanted for homicide in Mexico may have provided him with ample motivation to surreptitiously enter the United States multiple times- seeking to evade Mexican law enforcement authorities!

Second, it is interesting to note that the official in charge of the removal program for ICE in Dallas, Texas touted the importance of removing criminal aliens from the United States to enhance community safety.  She is certainly correct- however, with hundreds of thousands of such criminal aliens currently at large in communities across the United States who had been ordered deported and then, inexplicably released, the time has long since passed for words- the time has come for meaningful deeds!

On December 18, 2012 the Washington Times published a news report that focused on a DHS Inspector General report that incompetence and ineptitude at USCIS was so rampant that criminals aliens have been able to remain in the United States, obtain jobs in sensitive locations and participate various social welfare programs.

Here is how the report begins:

The federal governments system of tracking immigrants’ status is so broken that it gives a green light to one in eight aliens who have been ordered deported, according to an audit Tuesday that found the government has gone on to approve some of those who slip through for work in sensitive areas of airports and granted them benefits such as Medicaid or food stamps.

Some of those aliens who should have been kicked out had serious criminal records, including for assault and extortion, according to the audit by the Homeland Security Department’s inspector general.

All told, some 800,000 immigrants are living in the U.S. who already have been ordered deported but have not yet left — or been removed by the government — from the country.

Couple this gross ineptitude and incompetence with myriad failures of border security and not just where the US/Mexican border is concerned but where the Canadian border and international arrivals at airports across the United States are concerned and you quickly realize the scope, magnitude and seriousness of the threats posed to national security and community safety in virtually every American community!

It is not xenophobic to secure our borders and enforce our immigration laws- it is, however, insane not to!

The immigration laws are supposed to achieve two primary goals- to protect American lives and protect Americans’ jobs.  

Our nation is greatly benefited by the rich diversity of our people which is why I could never imagine living anywhere except New York City, arguably the most diverse city in our nation if not, in fact, the world.  However, my idea of diversity most certainly does not include members of MS-13, the Mexican drug cartels or members of other transnational gangs or members of al-Qaeda or other terrorist organizations!

It is also vital that American workers never be made to compete with foreign workers for their jobs!  (This requirement is a component of the Immigration Laws that are not being enforced today!)

If our government’s failures to secure our nation’s borders and effectively enforce our immigration laws that are intended to protect our nation and our citizens concerns you or especially if it angers you, I ask you to call your Senators and Congressional “Representative. This is not only your right- it is your obligation! 

We the People must make it clear to our politicians that we are not as dumb as they hope we are!

We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance.

This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue!

You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem!

Democracy is not a spectator sport!

Lead, follow or get out of the way!

-michael cutler- 

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News Releases

December 21, 2012

Dallas, TX

ICE Dallas office deports man wanted for homicide in Mexico

DALLAS – A man from Mexico with a U.S. manslaughter conviction, who is also wanted in his home country for homicide, was deported and turned over to Mexican law enforcement authorities Wednesday by officers with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Enforcement and Removal Operations (ERO).

Jorge Gonzalez-Acosta, 46, first illegally entered the United States in August 1982. He pleaded guilty in 1987 to voluntary manslaughter in the Southern District of Texas, and was sentenced to 30 years in prison. While serving this sentence, a federal immigration judge ordered his deportation. He was released from prison and removed to Mexico in June 1996.

Afterwards, and on various occasions, Gonzalez-Acosta illegally re-entered the United States, which is a felony. He was twice prosecuted for this crime, and was sentenced to 37 months in prison and 57 months in prison in December 2004 and March 2009, respectively.

Gonzalez-Acosta was released from his latest prison sentence into ICE custody Dec. 11, 2012. ICE officers worked with Mexico’s Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) to identify that Gonzalez-Acosta was wanted for homicide in Mexico. PGR’s attaché to ICE assisted with providing copies of the warrant and assisted with coordinating the removal with PGR authorities at the U.S./Mexico International Border at Laredo, Texas, Dec. 19.

“This particularly egregious case shows how our ERO officers help protect public safety on a daily

basis,” said Simona Flores, field office director for ERO Dallas. “We work closely with our law enforcement partners to remove dangerous criminal aliens from our local communities, and then remove them from the country.”

ERO is focused on smart, effective immigration enforcement that targets serious criminal aliens who present the greatest risk to the security of our communities, such as those charged with or convicted of homicide, rape, robbery, kidnapping, major drug offenses and threats to national security. ERO also prioritizes the arrest and removal of those who game the immigration system, including immigration fugitives or those criminal aliens who have been previously deported and illegally re-entered the country.

Since Oct. 1, 2009, ERO has removed more than 500 foreign fugitives from the United States who were being sought in their native countries for serious crimes, including kidnapping, rape and murder. ERO works with ICE’s Office of International Affairs, foreign consular offices in the United States, and Interpol to identify foreign fugitives illegally present in the country.

You may also visit us on FacebookTwitter and YouTube, or access this news release on your mobile device.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is the largest investigative arm of the Department of Homeland Security.

ICE is a 21st century law enforcement agency with broad responsibilities for a number of key homeland security priorities. For more information, visit www.ICE.gov. To report suspicious activity, call 1-866-347-2423 or complete our tip form.